Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thankful Thursday!

Well, the time has come. It's Thankful Thursday. I'm not gonna lie, it's been a little bit of a rough week and it's a little more difficult today to think of things to be thankful about, but I'm sure once I start writing things will pop into my mind. God's blessed me so much, I don't think it's even possible for me to exhaust that list. So here it is, the things I'm thankful for this week...

1. Paper Snowflakes. I cut out a ton of awesome patterns from this site yesterday to hang on my office door. It reminded me of my glorious college days when I cut them out and anonymously sent them to guys on campus that I thought were cute. Ha. Nerdy much? Unfortunately, this joyous craft also managed to bruise the knuckle on my middle finger. Paper snowflakes are dangerous business, folks. Just leave it to me to get injured doing something so completely lame and UNdangerous.

2. Family. Thanksgiving was really awesome, and I got to spend lots of time with the Ulrich side of my family. We had dinner together every night, went to movies, played games, and shared lots of laughs together. I can't wait to see them all again at Christmas, and I'm looking forward to our time together lasting more than just a few days this time.

3. Netflix. My latest obsession? Eureka! It's just some cheesy sci-fi channel show about a town full of geniuses working on classified government projects. Every episode is pretty much the same: Mysterious disaster strikes, unintelligent sheriff solves mystery with help of friends, disaster reaches critical zone, geniuses must work together to save everyone's get the picture. I think I just really love all the characters. You should check it out if you can. :-)

4. Harry Potter. Yes, I went to the midnight premiere of HP7. Yes, I dressed up. And yes I've already seen it twice. See, I have photographic evidence. :-)

5. Tiger. My cat. We've begun a tradition of cheesy Christmas cards in which dressing him up is a necessity. I don't want to give away what this year's theme is yet, but let's just say he's an incredibly patient cat...and to be honest a little bit dumb too. I simply can not wait to send out this year's card. It's epic.

6. Houndstooth. I am so obsessed with this pattern. Every time I see it, my eyes light up as if I've just discovered some long, lost hidden treasure. Things of a houndstooth nature that I've acquired thus far: Sweater, jacket, flats, rainboots, 2 decks of cards, hat, scarf, travel mug, storage tin, notecards, earrings, a necklace, and a konad plate that let's me stamp the pattern onto my fingernails. This is really getting out of hand...

7. Troll 2. The best, worst movie ever. There's even a documentary about how awful it is. This movie doesn't even have anything to do with the first Troll movie. In fact, there aren't even trolls in it. They're goblins. They're vegetarian goblins, who feed people green food to turn them into vegetables...and then they eat them. Why that doesn't count as carniverous I'll never know. And why they don't just grow a garden I'll never know either. What I do know, though, is that you should gather some friends and have a Troll 2 party. You will laugh your heads off.

8. Monday night basketball. I play with some friends at the church just around the corner from my house, and we always grab some half-price appetizers at Applebee's afterwards. It actually makes Mondays a good day for me, something that has previously never occurred in my short existence here on earth. No, I don't have mad basketball skills, but they still actually pass the ball to me...which is typically a rare thing when playing with guys. Plus, it gives me a good workout, which is something that's always much needed, especially around this time of year.

9. The International Children's Digital Library. It's just incredible. It's a massive collection of children's books from around the world scanned into digital formats. You can search by country, subject, author, language, character type, story type, age range, and even the color of the book cover! It's legit. You should check it out.

10. And last, but certainly not least. In fact, most of all, I'm thankful for Jesus this week. Because I am a damsel in distress, and he continually fights for me. He has saved me from the dragon, the evil sorceress, the poisonous apple, from every evil power there is. He is the prince I've always longed for, the man of my dreams.

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