Monday, December 20, 2010

Music Monday!

Wow, I can't believe I completely forgot about both Music Monday AND Thankful Thursday last week. Things have been so busy lately what with the holidays fast approaching. I've been doing a lot of Christmas shopping over the past couple weeks and am pleased to announce that I'm OFFICIALLY done! I'm never done this early. Never. Let's just say that I owe a big thank you to Mr. Internet for helping me out this year. I've been busy with tons of holiday parties too, and I have to admit that I'm a bit partied out. Being blessed with the presence of a cold this past week hasn't helped much in that department either, so I ended up having to skip a couple parties to get some much needed rest. Pretty sure I was in bed at 7 p.m. on Thursday...ha. I guess I have to store up on sleep anyways though since once all the family arrives I won't be seeing my bed until about 7 a.m. most nights. :-) I'll try and post pictures soon from all of this month's festivities. I would post them now, but alas, I'm on my lunch break at work and don't have them with me. Until then, I'll leave you with these lovely music videos:

For this video "From Your Mouth" by God Breathes Underwater, all they did was tape a world eating champion eat different foods, then played it in reverse. So simple yet so creative!

And well, I couldn't resist posting this vid. I suppose you could call it "creative," but to be more accurate I would probably place it in the "worst music videos ever" category. It's so bad it's funny. I watch and I myself feel embarassed for David Hasselhoff. Amazingly enough, though, this was a HUGE hit in Germany. I can't help but think less of all Germans for it...

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