Friday, April 3, 2015

When Life Surprised Us...

It's been a year since I've posted anything, and I think there was a year between the post before that. I used to love blogging, but I think once it became a "thing" and everyone and their dog had a blog I kind of got a little insecure about it. After all, what can I say on here that eleventy billion other people haven't already said on their blogs, and probably said it better than I ever could? But nonetheless, there's also something therapeutic about blogging and I miss it dearly, so I've challenged myself to blog every day for the next month. Who knows what I'll end up blogging about, and who knows if anyone will actually read it, but I think it's something that I need to do just for me. After all, like I's therapy. ;-)

So here's a very brief update on life...

2 years ago I quit my ministry to marry a youth pastor who worked at a different church, and so I got my dream library job instead. But 9 months into our marriage my husband unexpectedly lost his job, so we thought, "Well, let's move to Colorado." So we took a major leap of faith and Seth moved on the day of our one year anniversary, whereupon the very next day my car permanently died on the way to work. Super fun. He had his final interview at a Christian publishing company the day after he arrived in Colorado and found out at the end of the week that he got the job. Yahoo! He found us a super awesome apartment in Longmont, and a month later I moved me out here to join him. At the same time that I moved out here, my sister-in law also moved out here because she FINALLY got a pharmacist job in Colorado, which she'd been trying to get for months. I myself went on the library job hunt, but meanwhile my brother joined my sister-in-law here and we took our unemployed selves on many hikes and lived it up in the wilderness while we could. Unfortunately, I couldn't even get a library interview, so I ended up working at Target for a few months, which was absolutely miserable. I kind of hate Target now. But THEN, a miracle happened and I got a job at the exact same Christian publishing company where my husband works! Since we are down to one car still, it's absolutely perfect. We save on gas and are able to ride to and from work together, with our work schedules within an hour of each other. It's also just a really great place to work. So now we are just getting back on our feet again. We've found an awesome church and became part of an awesome small group. We're making friends, getting outdoors, and really loving living in this amazingly beautiful state. We, of course, miss our family and friends back in Kansas constantly, but given the way things have worked out so perfectly with this move, we have no doubt that right now, this is exactly where we're supposed to be. What's next, who knows? We're just praying this will be a time of putting down some new roots, getting our finances stabilized, and learning to trust God in a whole new way.

So that's it. Life as we now know it. Life tends to have a way of surprising us again and again, doesn't it? And while the anxiety-ridden part of me hates all of the fear and lack of control in those surprises, the adventurer in me loves it and eventually appreciates it. Here's to many more adventures!


Liz said...

yay for moving to Colorado! I'm so excited for the many crafts we are going to make and girls days out! :)

Tertiffic said...

Huzzah! Speaking of crafternoons, we need to do a Spring one soon!!! :)