Thursday, February 10, 2011

Crazy Cat Lady

My Mom gave me this adorable mug last night after having apparently cleaned out a hallmark store that was going out of business. If you know my mom, then you know that she can sniff out a sale from 500 miles away. She's a purebred shopping bloodhound. And even though she'll spend money on something that she neither needs or really ever wanted, she still is somehow able to reason that she has actually "saved" money. We don't try to reason with her anymore...we just let her shop.'s cute, right? It's perfect for me, seeing as how I am a librarian/cat lover/spinster in training. Speaking of cats...have I ever mentioned my cat Tiger?

The saddest part about this adorable mug, though, is that somebody else has already given me one. Yes, the exact same mug. Is it a bad sign when not one, but TWO people automatically think of you when they see the words "Crazy Cat Lady" scrolled across a mug?

I think this whole spinster persona is getting a little out of hand...

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