Sunday, October 4, 2009

Oh To Be A Blogger...

Yes, it's true. I'm finally starting a blog again. And if you don't want to read it, that's perfectly alright. This is more for me than it is for you. In the past, blogging helped get me through a really hard time in my life, and now that I'm facing many difficulties yet again, it only seems appropriate to repeat the very thing that allowed me to flourish so much during that hard time. It was a place where I could sort through my emotions, thoughts, and faith, and it was also a place where I could be completely vulnerable to others...which by the way, is a really scary thing for me. At the same time, I found that in expressing myself through a blog, I was also able to encourage others, whether it be through them knowing that they're not alone or by simply speaking the truth that God had laid on my heart. So here I am again...and I hope this spurs on other people to start a blog as well, as I can think of many friends and family members, especially those that live far away, who I'd love to keep up with this way. (Hint, Hint. You all know who you are :D) So there ya go...enjoy the ride, cuz it's probably gonna get a bit rocky.

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