Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Voice of the Martyrs

Sometimes I almost let people convince me that Christians suffer no more when it comes to persecution than any other religion does. And then I read the Voice of the Martyrs Blog...

Nepal - "Buddhists Force Christians From Village"
India - "Pastor Released From Prison"
Laos - "Christians Arrested During Christmas Eve Service"
Uganda - "Muslim Extremists Throw Acid On Bishop"
Nigeria - "Nigeria Fears More Church Attacks"
Israel - "O Little Town: Christians Vacating Bethlehem
Iraq - "14 Car Bombs in Iraq: Remaining Christians Fear for Their Lives"
China - "Gao Zhisheng Given Three Year Prison Term"
Uzbekistan - "Christians Warned To Stop Evangelism"
Burma - "Christmas Goes Forward Despite A Time Bomb In Burma"
U.S.A. - "InterVarsity Suspended From New York University"
Vietnam - "Gang Attacks Church Heads"
Pakistan - "Muslims In Pakistan Beat, Shoot At Christians In Land Grab"

These are just a fraction of the headlines in the last month. Yes, I said MONTH.

Jesus wasn't lyin' when He said we would be hated simply because of Him. As of right now, He is illegal in 53 countries, restricted in 38, and hostile in 14. People all over the
world are being beaten, raped, pillaged, imprisoned, and murdered simply because they worship Him. It is a life of faith most of us know little about, but let us pray for our brothers and sisters who are suffering for His name. We simply can not forget about them.

Matthew 10:22 "All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved."

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