Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bad Decision Thursday

In case any of you didn't know this, because I'm sure it's incredibly hard to tell in real life due to my teenaged good looks, but I'm not as young as I appear. I am in fact a ripe---and, ah hem, mature---25 years old. Yup, that's right---a whooooole quarter of a century. And do you know what that means? It means this girl has 25 years of pictorial evidence of really BAD decisions. Yes, it's true. The evidence abounds---bad haircuts, braces, awkward smiles, and fashion that appears to have been inspired by an explosion at the local Goodwill. And on top of that, did I mention that when God was handing out gifts to me, he somehow forgot to bless me with the gift of being photogenic? No angry fists here, though. I'm already too blessed to be upset about not photographing like Tyra Banks, and really, I suppose I can only thank my parents for my misfortune...and be aboundingly thankful that I don't photograph like them. Someday I'll have to share how well THAT goes. So, as it turns out, due to my sad photographic misfortune, the bad decisions continue to be captured even to this very day. But for today, I'll start you off with this gem. Yes, it's true, from the very day of my birth, the world was against me.

It's not that this is a particularly bad picture of me. I'm really a quite adorable newborn, if I do say so myself. But does anyone happen to notice a problem with this picture? Like, oh say, the fact that all my bedding is blue!? Yes, BLUE. You know, the color they swaddled little newborn BOYS in. Not only did I think that MY baby picture was actually my brother's for half my life (because oddly enough, he was swaddled in pink), but on top of that...and here's the parents actually got a bill from the hospital for my CIRCUMCISION. Yes, that's right. A circumcision. My dad promptly called the hospital to sort that fiasco out and all was of course made well, but boy is that a story you don't want to hear about. Ever. You can just imagine the thoughts that ran through my crazy, imaginitive mind: "Did they just run out of pink blankets? Was I somehow switched at birth? Do I have a secret twin brother? Was I born a hermaphrodyte?!?" I don't to this day actually know why the hospital staff swaddled me in blue, but I'm just going to assume they ran out of pink blankets, or perhaps blame it on incompetence. Please, though, rest assured that I was, in fact, born a girl and do indeed remain a girl to this very day. Please disregard the picture as evidence to the contrary...and consider me to be but the innocent victim of someone else's bad decision in this case. But oh, trust me, there's plenty more of my own bad decisions to be time. Enjoy, my friends. Enjoy.

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