Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have a confession to make.

I just completely splurged.

On this...

Isn't she just beautiful? I don't quite know what I'll name her yet (I'm open to suggestions!), but I'm so excited to get her in the mail. Some of you are probably surprised that I didn't go for this...

I am too. exactly did I pass this up? It's even cheaper! But heart was continually drawn towards the sparkly purple. I like the body design better, plus it's called the "Tom Boy." It seems to fit me...and if I had a hot pink sparkly guitar, I'd feel a bit of a poser. I don't have the skills to own up to that baby just yet. ;-)

These next 7 days will be a little bit of torture...the anticipation is already killing me!

I've been dreaming of an electric guitar for a couple years now, but seeing as how my finances have gone to tuition for the past six years of my life I couldn't quite bring myself to buy one. I found a great deal on e-bay, though, so I just couldn't pass this one up when I saw it.

Now don't go thinking that because I bought an electric guitar I'm actually good at guitar. Quite the contrary, actually. I have taken lessons. All of my 8th grade year and a semester of my senior year in college were devoted to lessons, so I've got basic training, but my excitement for the guitar always waned due to the fact that I was forced to play songs like "Over the Rainbow" and "Holy, Holy, Holy." I know, I know. Who wouldn't want to rock out to that, right? Also, the fact that the only guitar I own is an acoustic I purchased at a garage sale for ten dollars has not helped to spur me on to greater things. This guitar is so crappy that it would make Jimi Hendrix sound like an amateur. The neck is slightly bent, so the actual strings are about a mile away from the fretboard, meaning that my fingers must endure 20 times the pain than that of the average guitar player. And after all that doesn't even sound good. I always remain convinced that I completely and hopelessly suck until I pick up an actual decent guitar, and am in shock at the fact that my playing is not drowned out by an incessant rattling noise, but does indeed slightly sound like music. Who knew?

And so my mind is filled with dreams of Ozzy, Jimi, Zeppelin, Metallica, Kansas, Boston, and the like...I WILL master "Crazy Train." I will, I tell you. And hey, if I get REALLY good (and if I can afford it), maybe I can own one of these beauties...

(Just look at that sparkly white and filigree neck design...It's gorgeous!)

P.S. You should check out their online catalog here. The company is called Daisy Rock, and it's strictly guitars for GIRLS. Finally, guitars that don't require me to have man hands! Their designs are smaller, they're lighter weight, and the frets are closer together. Sounds like guitar heaven to me. :-)

Happy guitar dreams to all of you. And if any of you want to start a band some day, let me know. We can call ourselves the "Spinsters of Death"...or perhaps the "Flaming Bagladies." Hehe.

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