Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hey, A Girl Can Still Dream...

One of my youth group girls shared a link to this on Facebook today and I fell instantly in love. It seems that Alfred Angelo has designed a line of Disney-inspired wedding gowns. My question is, how is it that no one's ever thought to do this before? If I were even remotely artistic and could actually sew, I would have designed these things by the time I was 12. They're gorgeous! You may be thinking..."didn't you just write eleventy billion posts on singlehood? And now you're posting about wedding dresses?" In my defense...I'm a girl. I also happen to be a lover of all things Disney, and I also do very much so like pretty dresses. Put those things together and voila, perfection!

I seem to be in wedding mode lately, because this Sunday I will also be attending the Wichita Wedding Ideas Bridal Show. The very same 7th grader who shared the dresses, whom I shall refer to as "M" (No relation to the James Bond "M"), has expressed a desire to attend this glorious event, so I'll be going as "Georgia Peach": Undercover Bride. So while "M" browses, I'll be doing some detective work of my own, working to expose the dark side of the wedding industry. Black market flowers, wedding favor drug smuggling, bride trafficking, the notorious CCLU (Crazy Cat Ladies United) mobsters bound and determined to destroy the wedding know the jive. I do declare, though, I simply can not wait to reveal all the details of how my beloved Prince Charming extravagantly proposed during our trip abroad in France, in which he lowered himself to his knee atop the Eiffel Tower while I gazed down upon the city to see the words "Will You Marry Me" scrawled out in lights hundreds of feet below me. Isn't my pretend fiance just so romantic? ;-)

Anyways, let's play a game. First one to name all of the Disney Princesses represented in the pictures above in the right order wins a prize. What that prize is, I don't know. Maybe an Orange Leaf date, or a zoo trip, or something sent to you in the mail. Just rest assured that the prize will be cool and I will follow through. Oh, and NO CHEATING (a.k.a. googling or clicking the link provided beforehand), or ELSE. Yes, that's right. I just might give the police an anonymous tip about the CCLU and some "wedding favors" recently discovered in your home...


Country Girl said...

A little stalker-ish that I am trying to answer your question minutes after you posted-but oh well =) Ha! So here is my guess:
Snow White

Heidi Glanzer Carlson said...

I want to play:
Snow White
Sleeping Beauty (Aurora)

Those are my best guesses.

Tertiffic said...

And the winner is...Kendra! Daaaang girl, you were on that in no time. We shall discuss your prize over Facebook. ;-)

Heidi, twas a valiant effort! I thought it was Pocahontas at first too. :-) P.S. I'm loving your blog!

Heidi Glanzer Carlson said...

Thanks! Is it weird that I have no idea who Tiana is?? :)

Tertiffic said...

Absolutely not! Except, you should probably immediately watch The Princess and The Frog. It's just too cute to miss out on!